Manual Adjustment (Horizontal and Vertical)

You can apply a vertical or horizontal adjustment to the point cloud by selecting a GCP and selecting a corresponding point to which the GCP should shift to. This can be done either in the map or profile view.

First, click the GCP in the point cloud, then click on the point which you would like to be moved to the position of the GCP. You should see in the Measurements window (top right in SpatialExplorer) that the GCP and point have been selected:

Then in the Corrections window, click Import from Measurements, and select whether you are importing a vertical, horizontal, or full (both vertical and horizontal) correction. After selecting the type of correction, you should see that the vertical and/or horizontal component of the correction are displayed:

To apply this correction, click Apply in the Corrections window and you will see the horizontal and vertical component to be applied to the trajectory and subsequently the point cloud:

After clicking OK, a new trajectory will be produced with the vertical adjustment applied. This trajectory will automatically be loaded into the project and set as the active trajectory. The point cloud will be recomputed based on this new, adjusted trajectory, and GCP-to-cloud residuals will then be recalculated.

In the example above, a single point and GCP combination is used to shift the trajectory and point cloud; however, you can use more than one GCP-point combination. If you import from measurements several different corrections, they will all be averaged to determine a single translation. If you'd like to adjust the point cloud variably at different points along the trajectory ("rubber stamp" or "rubber sheet"), refer to the LiDARSnap trajectory optimization workflow.

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