System Monitor
This window is used during data acquisition and is only visible when you are connected to a lidar system. See connect to rover for more information.
The System Monitor window displays various system parameters relating to the rover and its attached sensors. The types of parameters monitored are Pose (latitude/longitude, roll/pitch/yaw), GNSS/INS Navigation System (PosStatus, UncertaintyP, CorrAge), and Statistics (number of recorded navigation system packets, lidar data packets, and photos).
There are numerous statistics displayed in the System Monitor window:
Lat - Latitude
Rover's latitude (WGS84)
Lon - Longitude
Rover's longitude (WGS84)
Vel H/V - Velocity Horizontal/Vertical
Rover's horizontal/vertical velocity in m/s
Roll - Rover's roll orientation in degrees
Pitch- Rover's pitch orientation in degrees
Yaw- Rover's yaw orientation in degrees
PosStatus - GNSS Position Status
The GNSS solution status (e.g. Solution computed, insufficient observations)
PosType - GNSS Position Type
e.g. SinglePoint, IntegerNarrowLane
INS - Navigation System Status
Time - GNSS reference time status
e.g. Coarse, Finesteering
UncertP - Uncertainty Position
Unitless covariance value relating to the rover’s position uncertainty. The lower the values the better; minimizing this value produces a more accurate sensor trajectories and thus more accurate measurements
UncertA - Uncertainty Attitude
Unitless covariance value relating to the rover’s orientation uncertainty. The lower the values the better; minimizing this value produces a more accurate sensor trajectories and thus more accurate measurements
CorrAge - Corrections Age
Age of the last received differential correction in seconds (Applies to RTK corrections and will remain 0 when reference station is not connected to rover)
CPU Load - INS CPU load
CPU Load of the GNSS/Inertial Navigation System expressed in %
Satellites - Number of Satellites
Satellites count observed by rover GNSS receiver
DOP H/V - Dilution Of Precision Horizontal/Vertical
Term used to specify the error propagation as a mathematical effect of navigation satellite geometry on positional measurement precision. The lower the better.
Temp - Navigation/IMU system temperature
Temperature in the navigation system/IMU
SolAge GNSS - GNSS Solution Age
Age of the last computed GNSS solution in seconds
SolAge RTK - RTK-GNSS Solution Age
Age of the last computed RTK-GNSS solution in seconds
Packets Nav - Navigation Packets
Quantity of navigation packets collected
Data LiDAR - LiDAR data recorded
Size of recorded LiDAR data file(s)
Photos Captured - Number of photos captured
Last updated