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The Picks window allows you to perform various measurements on the active map layer. Depending on which map layer is selected within the Project Window, points can be picked from the point cloud layer, the trajectory layer, or other additional map layers.
Picks are made by left clicking on a feature in the map view (e.g. pointclouds, trajectories, GCPs, images, etc.),
Picks can be used for measuring distances, creating corrections, creating intervals, and for creating vector geometries.
Vector geometries, such as points, lines, and polygons, can be created using the Picks window. Select either POS (points), PTH (line), or PLY (polygon) as your geometry type:
Then, begin creating the geometry by left clicking in the main view. You will see your Picks displayed in the main view, along with a visualization of the line or polygon, if you selected either of those geometry types:
Once you are finished, select the Create Geometry icon and specify a name for the feature:
After a name has been specified for the feature, you will need to specify a filename for the KMZ. This is because a single geometry file (KMZ, SHP, etc) can have multiple features (e.g. multiple polygons).
Geometries created default to KMZ, as KMZ supports hierarchal, multi-type (polygon, line, points, etc) geometry handling. To change the format of the geometry, use to Export tool. Modifying Geometries is covered further in Project->Geometry .
If you have a geometry in your project, this geometry can be set to Open for Editing by checking the checkmark icon next to the geometry:
If a geometry is open for editing, all geometries created using the Picks window will be created as features of the existing geometry.