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The Sensors tab is used to implement sensor activation polygons and hide sensors from certain profiles:
Sensors can be unchecked here, which will disable them in the profile. This is useful for systems which have both an aerial camera and a panoramic, mobile-mapping camera.
The Sensor Activation Polygon is used to automatically enable sensors when the vehicle is within the polygon boundaries. This is useful for preventing collection of unnecessary data.
Any polygon loaded into the project as a Geometry can be used as a sensor activation polygon. Load a KML geometry using File->Open, then select to load this KML as a Geometry:
Ensure that the polygon correctly displays in the main view. Consider enabling a Terrain base map:
Next, load the Geometry as a sensor activation polygon:
Once loaded, you will see the polygon duplicated in the project as a SensorActivationPolygon.kml. This same KML will also be stored in the raw data folder, primarily for troubleshooting and record keeping purposes: