TerraSolid and Spatix Install
Last updated
Last updated
Click here to download Spatix
Step 1: Select the latest version of Spatix and click "Add to Cart"
Step 2: Navigate to the upper right of your screen and click this button, then click "Proceed to Download"
Step 3: Fill out the Contact Information and click "Download"
Step 4: Click on the file name ending in "ZIP" under "Download" to download file.
Step 5: Unzip the folder
Step 6: Run "setup.exe"
Step 7: Specify Installation folders and select applications to install, then click "OK"
Step 8: Click OK, once setup is complete
The Spatix User Manual can be found by navigating to "C:\Program Files\Spatix\Spatix_Manual.pdf" or by clicking "Help" then " Manual..." within Spatix.
Step 1: Copy/Paste TerraSolid LIC license files into "License" folder
Step 1: Launch Spatix.exe and Click on "Create new CAD file.."
Step 2: Specify Template and click "Open"
Step 3: Navigate to a folder to save Project file and specify file name
Step 1: Click on "IxApps" and then "Execute"
Step 2: Select Tmatch, Tmodel, Tphoto, and Tscan, and click "Open"
Step 3: TerraSolid Modules are activated