Recon Acquisition

If you are using a Recon, the Recon Quick Start Guides include best practices which are helpful to review.

M300 Quick Start Guide:

FreeFly Astro Quick Start Guide:

General Best Practices:

• Use only the supplied USB stick. The RECON hardware requires USB sticks with minimum write transfer speed, many other USB sticks can not write data fast enough, causing data corruption.

• Ensure you always remove the USB stick safely from your computer, and re-format it regularly using the RECON’s web UI.

• To avoid problems in postprocessing, ensure IMU-to-antenna offsets and IMU rotation are correct before acquisition.

• Wait for the camera to trigger two/three times and appear in the GUI before starting 'Data recording'.

If the camera has not appeared on the status page within two minutes, it may have been a cold-startup. In this case, restart the Recon and ensure that the camera appears in the GUI after initializing.

• At the very beginning and end of acquisition, leave the system acquiring data while static for at least 30 seconds.

• Ensure good GNSS reception and free sky during kinematic alignment and figure 8 maneuvers.

• Capture at least GPS+GLONASS data from a close-by reference station at 1-20 Hz, covering all of the rover’s acquisition. There’s no need to stream data from reference station to RECON during flight.

• The “Field of View” setting merely saves the given values as a processing preset, all data is still recorded with any FoV setting.

• If using SpatialExplorer, replay data to ensure LiDAR and camera coverage is sufficient before leaving.

SLAM Best Practices

• Processing is only available when using SpatialExplorer (not in LiDARMill).

To learn more, refer to the Slam Acquisition page and Recon-XT Slam Video.

Mobile Best Practices

• Use the longer legs on the mobile mount if your vehicle’s trunk is slanted and you want to bring the unit past the roof’s edge.

• Use a camera interval of 120s (max) to take as few photos as possible, as they won’t be used anyway.

To learn more, refer to the Mobile Acquisition page.


To learn more, refer to the Recon-XT Backpack Acquisition page.

Last updated